New 2016 Fourth Judicial Circuit Time Sharing Guidelines

On October 5, 2016, Fourth Judicial Circuit Chief Administrative Law Judge Mahon issued the new time sharing guidelines. 2016-10-05-new-local-guidelines-for-visitation-and-time-sharing. 2016-10-05-new-long-distance-guidelines-for-visitation-and-time-sharing. These guidelines are incredibly helpful as you and your co-parent work through a meaningful time sharing schedule for your children and family.

2016 Durational Alimony Cases of Interest

Kruse v. Levesque, 192 So.3d 1263 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2016). Trial court abused discretion by failing to award permanent alimony in 11 year marriage when wife was disabled and unable to return to work. Ketcher v. Ketcher, 188 So.3d 991 (Fla. 1st DCA 2016). Award of $500 per month in alimony to Husband remanded on […]